Porta Potty Rentals in Soldotna, AK

Do you need to rent a porta potty in the area? Look no further because we list every company offering portable toilet and restroom trailer rentals near , . It works like this:

  • Companies are listed in alphabetical order by city and company name.
  • We do our best to include each company’s name, location, services offered, contact information, and website, although you may need to visit their websites for more information.
  • Need more options? Head over to our local porta potty rentals page to explore cities beyond .

Jump to our porta potty listings or read on for local rental advice and resources.

Types of Porta Potties Available in

Our comprehensive guide to the types of porta potties covers the many product options available, as well as their sizes and uses. But here’s a quick summary of the unit types you can expect to find near :

  • Standard Porta Potty: These are the regular porta potties you see at events or construction sites.
  • Construction Porta Potty: These are often standard units equipped to be towed or crane lifted. They often require more frequent cleanings.
  • Deluxe Flushable Porta Potty: These units can – you guessed it – be flushed. They often resemble standard units but are roomier and much more pleasant.
  • Luxury Restroom Trailer: You often see luxury restroom trailers at weddings and high-end events. They feature the best amenities, including electricity, running water sinks, and flushable toilets.

Affordable Porta Potty Rentals in ,

The best way to find cheap porta potty rentals in is to compare a few different price quotes. Call a few of the companies below, tell them about your rental needs and budget, and ask for an estimate. By doing this, you’ll get an idea of which portable restroom company offers the best pricing for your specific rental needs.

How Much Do Porta Potty Rentals Cost in ?

We can’t say the exact price you will pay for a portable toilet rental in . That’s because pricing is determined by the number of portable toilet units, unit types, rental location and duration, cleaning services, and more. You can learn more about pricing in our guide to porta potty costs, but here’s a quick summary:

  • A standard porta potty rental will cost you about $100 with weekly cleanings included. A construction toilet capable of being crane-lifted or towed will be closer to $150.
  • Wheelchair accessible and flushable porta potties rent for around $170.
  • A luxury restroom trailer rental will cost $600 to $2,000 depending on size, features, and overall luxury.
  • Don’t forget about add-on items, including handwashing stations ($90) or hand sanitizer dispensers ($25).

‘s Best Porta Potty Rental Companies

You may be wondering which companies offer the best porta potty services in . While we won’t name specific suppliers, the best meet the following criteria:

  1. Exceptional Customer Service: Companies should be easy to contact, friendly, and willing to solve any problems that arise. Ask if they have an after-hours line you can contact in emergency situations.
  2. Satisfaction Guaranteed: Do they make guarantees on the delivery window, cleanings, and customer satisfaction? If so, it’s an excellent sign.
  3. Competitive Pricing: The most reliable companies can charge higher prices for their services. With that being said, costs should be in the ballpark of the going rates for porta potties in .
  4. Cleaned and Sanitized Porta Potties: All units should be thoroughly cleaned and sanitized between uses. Never work with companies that cut corners on cleaning.
  5. All Event Types and Locations: Companies should be capable of serving your needs, from big events like concerts and weddings to construction sites and disaster relief areas. If they’re unsure about meeting your needs then move on to another group.

If you find a company that excels in each of these areas then you’ll be working with one of ‘s best porta potty rental companies.

Local Service Area

We simplify your research by including all porta potty and restroom trailer rental companies we could find within 75 miles of . Because of this, you may see companies located in other nearby cities. Rental companies usually service a wide area, so don’t be afraid to try options beyond the area. Our local porta potty rentals page lists all of the cities where we found rental options.

Porta Potty Rentals Near ,

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Learn about these listings here, submit a rental company here, or contact us if any listings need to be updated or removed. Please let us know if you find any incorrect information.

Alaska Waste - Kenai


47323 Merrywood Ave
Soldotna, AK 99669



Website | Phone

Peninsula Pumping


42115B Kalifornsky Beach Rd
Soldotna, AK 99669




Website | Phone